JDS holds two sessions per year. The school year session runs from August through May culminating with the spring recital on the first Sunday in June at the RiverPark Center. Registration for the school year begins in August, with additional registration opportunities in January for any classes with openings.
Our summer session starts mid-June and runs for 5 weeks. Summer schedules are published to the class and registration pages of the website when they become available in early May each year.
(Students who have registered for the school year session will not be charged the registration fee for the summer session)
Winter Registration will open in December 2024
There are 3 ways to register with us here at Johnson's Dance Studio:
Register Online!
Registration is currently closed. Summer Registration will begin in May 2025.
Register In-Person
come visit us at the studio to register!
Tuition Rates
A $30 per student non-refundable fee is due once a year at the time of enrollment. (Adult classes exluded)
- 30 minutes per week- $48.00
- 45 minutes per week- $58.00
- 60 minutes per week- $64.00
- 1 1/2 hours per week- $87.00
- 2 hours per week- $112.00
- 2 1/2 hours per week- $130.00
- 3 hours per week- $147.00
- 4 hours per week- $173.00
- Unlimited- $192.00
- Adult classes- 10 class punch card $75.00 Single Class- $12.00
- Families- a 10% discount will apply to the 2nd & 3rd family member total tuition Discount available for those who pay for the full year in advance. Scholarship applications available upon request. Please email us for more information.
- Payment Policy: Payment for lessons is due on the 10th each month. Payment options include check, cash, or automatic monthly payment from Visa, Mastercard or Discover. Other arrangements can be made by contacting the front desk. A $20 late fee will be charged after 30 days. There is a $35 charge for returned checks. Credit Card Surcharge Fee: JDS will charge a convenience fee on all payments made by credit card. The fee is 1.5% of the total amount being charged.
- Make- Up Policy: Please inform the studio if your child will miss class. Lessons missed because of illness or emergency may be made up within two weeks in a class of the same technique level or lower.
- Refunds: NO REFUNDS unless there is an emergency circumstance. Registration fees, costume fees, and competition fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.
- Cancellation Policy: In the event of a withdrawal, a written or emailed notice must be submitted in advance. No refunds are granted for classes not attended.
- Multi-media devices: Cell phones, I-pads, etc., are NOT ALLOWED in the classroom. Please do not use any of these devices to record any activities unless you have permission form the director. Studio WIFI connection is for staff use only.
- Vacations and Holidays: We will be closed Labor Day, Fall Break, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, Spring Break, Memorial Day. Tuition remains the same.
- Dress: Proper dance attire is mandatory.
- Combination classes- Leotard & tights (any color, any style), ballet & tap shoes (white if buying new), replace ties on taps with elastic, and a bag to store shoes in.
- Ballet- (9 years and up) Solid color leotard, pink tights and pink ballet shoes.
- Jazz & Tap – (9 years & up) Leotard, black tights/jazz pants/biker shorts, black jazz and/or black tap shoes
- Hip Hop – Leotard, shorts, jazz pants, biker shorts. Sneakers or jazz shoes.
- Creative 2’s – Leotard, tights & ballet shoes
- Adult classes – Dance or fitness wear and appropriate shoes.
- Acro- leotard with footless tights or leggings- no shoes.
- Aerial- Leggings to cover the knees, leo or fitted shirt that can be tucked in (no crop tops). No jewelry or shoes allowed.
- Visiting: Parents will be invited to observe their child’s class twice a year: once before Christmas and then once before Recital. Our teaching staff is always interested in discussing with parents their child’s progress or any other issues.
- Recital: A costumed recital is held every year. The purpose of the production is to give students stage experience and the opportunity to demonstrate their achievements. Emphasis will be on student's performance with costuming kept to a minimum.
- Class Placement: Students are placed in classes according to age, experience and ability. To ensure proper placement, students are carefully evaluated during the first four weeks of classes. Students will progress to next level once they have mastered material in their current level. Those wishing to discuss their child’s progress or schedule, please make an appointment BEFORE registration.
Calendar 2024-2025
**Dates to be added as they are determined**
- August 5th & 6th- In-Studio Registration from 1:00pm-6:00pm
- August 6th- Online Registration opens at 6:30 pm
- August 7th- Owensboro Dance Theatre auditions 430pm-6:45pm (please arrive 15 minutes early for registration)
- August 26th- Classes begin
- September 2nd- Labor Day (no classes)
- September 9th- Extra Cast member forms for current JDS Students due to ODT
- September 10th- ODT Open Auditions for Extras (Nutcracker)- 7:00 pm- 7:30 pm
- October 7th-11th- Fall Break
- November 9th- Deadline for Recital Bundles
- November 27th-29th- Thanksgiving Break
- December 6th-8th-ODT's "The German American Bank Nutcracker" at RiverPark Center
- December 10th- All Recital Fees due!
- December 13th-19th- Visitation for ALL COMBINATION CLASSES
- December 23rd-January 5th- Christmas Break
- January 6th- 2nd Semester Classes Begin
- January 7th- ODT Open Auditions for Extras (In Concert featuring Willy Wonka & The Golden Ticket) 7:00 pm- 7:30 pm
- January 31st- Deadline for Recital Registration for newly enrolled students (2nd semester enrollment)
- February 15th- ODT's "Dance Battle Extravaganza"- RiverPark Center- 7:00pm
- March 13th-16th- ODT's "In Concert featuring Willy Wonka & the Golden Ticket" at RiverPark Center
- March 28th- April 6th- Spring Break
- May 5th-10th- Visitation for ALL COMBINATION CLASSES
- May 12th-17th- Visitation for ALL OTHER CLASSES
- June 1st- Recital at RiverPark Center
Please note that the current JDS 2024-25 is a tentative schedule, subject to change